Sunday, November 30, 2008


I first heard of dopamine while watching a documentary on the brain (Human brain, not animal ones). It was a really good documentary and I got to know for the first time, how, many areas of the brain process information and how, if each process is inhibited, the body is affected by it. Now dopamine is a hormone that is produced by the brain for many purposes like neurotransmission and stuff that are way too complex for my primitive mind to actually grasp. So yeah, dopamine also plays a major role in how humans experience pleasure. If something brings you pleasure, then the brain produces a whole load of dopamine and you feel happy and "pleasured", whatever that may mean. Then the documentary showed how the addition of drugs to one's system actually affects the dopamine production of the brain.

So what happens is that these drugs like LSD, Ecstasy, coke, heroine and stuff cause a tremendous surge in the amount of dopamine produced by the brain and thus give the person who has ingested these drugs, the unreal feeling of being "high" (though I have never known this kind of a high tbf..Never will do drugs, ever, ever). This impairs the dopamine production in our brain when we experience normal pleasurable things, like a chat to a loved one or eating chocolates and what not. This causes the person to become miserable and seek more drugs, 'coz he feels awful.

But sod all that, check out the name- "Dopamine"- It's like dopamine and dope have been made for each other, innit?

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